Album: Itch
Year: 2002
Genre(s): Noise
Harsh dynamic noise from Xome.
Posted by DW.
Artist: Satan's Basement
Album Preview 2007-2010
Year: 2010
Genre(s): Death metal, sludge, hardcore
I've been working on my next full length album for like 3 years now, and haven't done a release since the split with Morgue Rat in 2008. That's when I figured it'd be time to at least release a short preview album so people know I'm not dead. The funny thing is, I still consider Satan's Basement to be my main project, even though I haven't released an album in three years. Satan's Basement is something you should listen to. Now you can.
Posted by: IC
Artist: DJ Fartbot
Album: Instinctive Obliteration
Year: 2008
Genre(s): Electronica, experimental, video game music
About 5 years back, before I had a million projects, I started DJ Fartbot as a joke project for about 2 days. Then I started taking it seriously and changed the name to Satan's Basement. After a while I wanted to start making electronic music, and that's when DJ Fartbot came back. This is the first full length DJ Fartbot album I ever released... and currently the only one. Check it out, figure out what genre of electronic music you think it is, then listen to it one million times.
Posted by: IC
Artist: The Astronaut King
Album: Kingdom of False Existence
Year: 2009
Genre(s): Experimental, ambient, psychedelic, space rock, doom, acoustic
After doing the Bongripper/MZRCDXVL/The Muzzler/Republican Hatefuck/The Astronaut King show last night, I figured I'd add some of my music to the blog too. The album is 79 minutes of varying genres, if you can define it, let me know what exact genre you'd call it. Drumless. Just guitar, two songs with vocals, and various effects. Heavily improvised, varying sounds, check it out, and come to a concert some day! If you like it, buy a copy of the CD! Also check out some more of my stuff on bandcamp and get it in FLAC-
Posted by: IC
Album: The Korg Sessions
Genre(s): hardcore, thrash, noisecore
Year: 2010?
Dekalb's MZRCDXVL is everything you could want in a local noisy hardcore band. See them live, they make hearing loss fun!
Posted by: IC
Artists: Baptism/Republican Hatefuck
Album: Baptism/Republican Hatefuck split
Year: 2010
Genre(s): Grindcore/hardcore/thrash
Two great Illinois bands together on one awesomely crushing split CD. The guy behind Baptism, Mike Miller, is in MZRCDXVL, and also does a lot of artwork for bands like the cover of Bongripper's new album Satan Worshiping Doom and the last Sick/Tired 7". Baptism is some heavy and thrashy hardcore. If you like Today is the Day, you'll love Baptism. Republican Hatefuck is a two piece grind band with a drum machine.
See them live, buy the albums, but first...
Posted by IC