Artist: George Harrison Album: Electronic Sound Year: 1969 Genre(s): Avant-garde, noise
An early George Harrison "noise" album involving him experimenting on a Moog synthesizer for two lengthy tracks. Side A is good, side B is even better.
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Welcome to The Big Dipster. This blog is intended to expose people to music they might not otherwise be exposed to. We do not aim to focus on any one genre, and rather will share anything at all that we find enjoyable in the underground scene. Please try to support these artists and buy their releases and merchandise and see them live. If you were working this hard to make music, you'd want support, too. If any artist or label wants music removed, just tell us and we will make it of our highest priority to remove any links/uploaded music and comply.
Now that that's out of the way, our team currently consists of one member, KB. We hope you enjoy the posts to come.
Feel free to email us links to music of any kind you think we might enjoy, and if we do, we'll share it. Feel free to request music you want. If we have it and we feel like it, we'll put it up for you. We don't have all the music in the world though, so if it's too obscure, we might not have it. Never hurts to ask, though, and we could maybe find it for you. Also, please let us know if files are corrupted or if links are down. We will fix it as soon as possible!
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